405-323-7782 OILTIZER® The Equipment Network 2025 SPE/ICOTA Well Intervention Conf. & Exhib. 25 2 $22,000. Call #940-736-1165. 1000’ Mayhew mounted on a 1974 International Loadstar. 5 X 6 Gardner Denver mud pump. 2 - 4” drill collars. 400’ of 2 3/8” drill pipe. 1 - 10” surface bit. 11 new button bits ranging from 7” down to 6 1/8”. Last worked Nov. 2019. $32,000. Call 620-642-2039. Drill Kelly 37’ 6” length, 7 ¾ box. Tapered pin. $4,500. Franks 33” double drum, 8 by 10 pole well service unit, 2001 Freightliner F-80. $175,000. Component Package -Wilson 54 “Double Drum Draw works, Cummins 6 cyl, 5 speed, air compressor, double poles. $60,000. Component Package -Franks 44 double drum, 4 axle International carrier, double pole. $60,000. Text Rod @ 405-203-1948 • 5 Axle Carrier 600 HP Detroit 5660 Auto trans. 2008 Service - King 315 single drum w/ Parmack 104’ 250,000 derrick. 12’ sub, 17-1/2 rotary table. Complete drilling rig w/ pump, pipe, collars, (3) pipe tubs, pits, water tank & dog house’s, hydraulic breakout, (3) hyd-winch on deck, (2) type B tongs. • 1981 Speed-Star SS-40 3 drum drill, Vin# B402-4 mounted on 3 axle trailer, w/ 18” R-table, pulldown hydro-matic brake, 6 part lines on Trip & Kelly. 6-71 Detroit, 3” plumbing & swivel hex kelly w/ roller bushing, 63’ derrick refurbished 8/1/2021. Rig is complete w/14” pump Cat power, 4-1/2” 16.60 drill pipe, 4-6” drill collars, elevators, slips, LF tongs, hydro-breakout. • (2) 28L BE Drill Rigs w/JD diesel. • (1) 60L BE Drill. • (1) 24L BE Drill. • (2) 22W BE Drill w/ diesel power, 3 Leveling hydro. • (1) 28L BE Drill Rig w/o derrick “parts”. • Ideco 71/4” X 15” 353 Cat w/air clutch power................................... $20,000 • 214P Oilwell, Power 353 Cat w/clutch $20,000 • Ellis-Williams 7 1/4” X 16” Power 379 Cat. $20,000. This pump is in a 12’ X 20’ house on a master skid • 2- 1300 Emsco W//2 1000hp motors on each pump .............. $40,000 each • Cable Tools from 4” - 28” - rope sockets, Jars, Stems, Mud Buckets, Wrenches, Circle, Jack. • 1978 12T Smeal mounted on 1978 2050 IH w/ OT 466 engine, tandum axle, long tower. • #10 Jesina Pull Rig mounted on 1988 Ford diesel. • 36L Sanderson-Cyclone combination rotary & spudder mounted on 94 Ford all-wheel drive diesel carrier. Photos & prices available on request: Contact Jim Ewers @ 918-559-2726 AEK Enterprise LLC or email patewers@aol.com BE-60L, 3 cylinder diesel ready to go. Rig is located in North central OH. $25,000. 810.434.8996 DRILLING & WORKOVER RIGS COMPONENTS Ready to Drill Refurbished 1975 Gardner Denver 1500 HD with air, on 75 International, Nice Rig. Must Sell, Make Offer Call 903-326-4851 DRIVERS & PRIME MOVERS For Sale: Arrow 106, New style, Gas engine, Electric start, Engine with volume tank. 13 in stock, Call for price Cook’s Engine Service: 432-337-1975 - Todd 3364 Gabo tri pump with 2.5” ceramic plungers with oiler on top, (7) electric motors 3 phase, (1) emsco pump jack #25, Bill Bingham 918-693-1685 GEARS Precision Machine Works 242 County Road 1125 N. Keenes, IL 62851 Phone: 618-835-2656 ◗ CNC Turning to 35” Dia ◗ Cylindrical Grinding ◗ CNC Millwork • ◗ Reverse Engineering 1217 County Hwy 13 • Keenes, Il 62851 FOR Specializing in Churchhill, National & Oilwell Gears Gear Box Rebuilding Custom Helical & Spur Gears, Worm Gears, Sprockets, Spline Shafts Mark Steiner mark@pmwgear.com CALL FOR PRICING & AVAILABILITY (618)835-2656 GENERATORS J & R INDUSTRIAL ENGINE SERVICE We Buy, Sell, and Rebuld Generator, Sets and Power Units. Used, Rebuilt, Low Hour, New Surplus, Cores, Parts, Components Diesel and Natural Gas. Call 877-806-3946 Dhutchison@ jrindustrialeng.com Website www.jrindustrialengine.com WANTED: CATERPILLAR / WAUKESHA GAS AND DIESEL ENGINES & GENSETS. CONTACT BILL HAMMANN @ 800-622-1388 or 210-666-3600, E-MAIL: info@wmhammannint.com TEX STEAM DIESEL FIRED STEAM GENERATORS • 4 40 hp tex steam, each in an enclosed trailer, each have a 300 gallon fuel tank. • 65 hp tex steam, skid mounted, with a 300 gallon fuel tank • 100 hp tex steam unit, in an enclosed trailer, 500 gallon fuel tank • 100 hp tex steam unit in an enclosed trailer, 750 gallon fuel tank • 125 hp tex steam skid mounted on gooseneck trailer 1000 gallon fuel tank • Lots of coils, parts, pump, steam hoses ect. • 8V92 TA silver 450 hp built by Stewart Stevens approximately 600 hours 900-350 Sullair compressor about 4,000 hours came off of a retro fitted Schramm Drill Rig that was rolled over asking $20,000.00 or best office no coolers or receiver tank • 750-350 Sullair Compressor with approximately 1,500 hours on a rebuild compressor only $7,500.00 or best offer. Call for pricing Roger Bollinger 830-719-3845 E-mail Kelly@bollingerdrilling.com NEW and USED Diesel and Natural Gas Generator Sets, low hour take-outs, and rebuilt sets sizes available in Cat, Cummins, and Detroit Diesel. Tele. 817629-5319, E-Mail: tstubbs@airmail.net, Web Site: www.swenterprises.com HOT OIL UNITS For Sale: Hot Oil Trucks and Vac Trucks (307) 746-3631 FOR SALE: Well established Oilfield service company Hot Oil and Vac Trucks 307-629-1669 FOR SALE: 2 - Hot Oil Units, 4 - Frac Water Heaters, Call (806) 228-5512 LEASES Selling because of health issues. Kansas Oil & Gas Field. 467 contiguous acres. 180 additional drilling sites. 6 pumping wells. Large tank battery. NRI 87.50%. 100 barrels of oil was produced the first day. Bargain at $215,000. Contact Jim at 913-850-4100 or email at kansascrudeinc@gmail.com Brand New Diesel Repair Shop off Interstate 45 in Rice, Texas for Lease. 80’ X 80’ Call 903-326-4851 Chataqua County, Kansas Cattleman sand waterflood opportunity * Township 33 S, R 8 E, Section 15 * Chinn Lease 960 Acres * 8 fully equipped Cattleman sand wells, 2,200’ deep * 2 Cattleman sand injection wells, #5 MIT in October 2020, #8 due in Oct. 2021 * Fiberglass Gun Barrell 10x15, fiberglass 200 bbls salt water tank at tank site, 200 bbls salt water tank at #5 injection well, completely rebuilt triplex injection pump, 3-200 bbl stock *tanks, 1 fiberglass the other 2 steel. * 3 fully equipped oil wells on gas, haven’t run in a long time. * 1 completely equipped source well, hasn’t run in 20 years. * 4 equipped & serviced cattleman sand wells on electric, sold 266,000 BO since drilled * Needs source well started up and a well-designed water flood put in place. * Selling due to age and health reasons. * Inquiries: Victory Minerals LLC, PO Box 414830, Kansas City, KS 64141 * Carmon Decker Bonanno (PH) 816223-3712 (FX) 816-321-2378 (email)carmonbonanno@hotmail.com PRODUCING LEASES FOR SALE: 467 acres with 6 producing wells and complete tank battery. Approx. 1 1/2 miles of buried 6,000 volt private electric line with above ground transformers. Many drill sites available. Eastern Kansas shallow wells. Contact: Jim at 614-620-3662 or 913850-4100 for complete details. Office Building one story Stand alone for Sale or Lease $1500/Mo. Rooms 4-8 people 12-15 parking space. 810 S. Baird, Midland, TX Contact (432) 5564339 ADVANCED SATELLITE MAPPING Before you lease or drill your prospect,get your color coded Oil & Gas Satellite Map. The map will give you an additional economical tool in evaluating your prospect. Call Larry for additional info. 405-447-5515 877-204-1192 LUMBER Hardwood Lumber & Timbers All sizes available up to 30 ft long Pipe Chocks and Pipe Saddles Phillips Sawmill -Since 1958, Dekalb, TX 75559 Contact Cole @ 903-667-4151 O&G location surveys. Offset&wildcat. Anywhere on the planet. Any depth. See: earthxplor.com 214-675-9159 12 New 2 7/8 Baker Sliding Sleeves. $250.00 Each. OBO Arvine Pipe, Norman OK 405-364-1950 Detroit Series 50 Diesel Engine for Sale, Engine Model# 6043TK33-Series 50, Serial # 04R0045265, DDEC 3/4, 4 Cylinders, No EGR, 350HP, 8.5L, 6705 hours. Running great prior to engine swap. Not California compliant. Located in central California. Call: 6613437900 2005 Detroit Series 60 Diesel Engine For Sale, Engine Model# 6064HV33-Series 60, Serial # 06R0872313, DDEC 5, 6 Cylinder, No EGR, 400HP, 14.0L, . 3858 hours. It was running great before the engine swap. Not California compliant. Located in central California. $19950 661-343-7900 2006 Detroit Series 60 Diesel Engine For Sale, Engine Model# 6064HV33-Series 60, Serial # 06R0943739, DDEC 5, 6 Cylinders, No EGR, 400HP, 14.0L, 3701 hours. It was running great before the engine swap. Not California compliant. Located in central California. $17750 661-343-7900 1” 2.40# N80 DSS IJ, Left hand thread. R2 Tubing (great work string) 7939’ @ 252 Joints. 1 590-OD @ Upset. Arvine Pipe, Norman OK 405-364-1950 Cardwell K-100 Double Drum Drawworks, Main Drum Clutch PO-218 Air, Max. Single Line Pull 23,100 Lbs., Double Brakes 7” X 32” Both Drums, Drum Dimensions 13” X 32”, Sandline Drum with PO118 Air Clutch, Cardwell Right Angle Drive, $12,500, Call 972897-9607 2008 Valerus 125 BTU/HR Packed Absorber/Scrubber Dehy and 2008 Valerus Coalescing Filter Separator. Purchased New in 12/2008 and discontinued use in 11/2010. Price: $ 15,000, Call 8655665111 2- 2018 NEW HAWKER PIPE HANDLERS, 2018 KUBOTA TIER 3 DIESEL ENGINES, DANFOSS HYD., WT. 21,500#, 8 FT. WIDTH, 47 LONG, DUEL AXLES ELECTRIC BRAKES, MOUNTED ON GOOSE NECK TRALIER, $165,000.00 EACH. CALL 740-350-4377 Gas Gathering System for sale in Tulsa County with 15 miles of pipeline complete with plant site. $850,000, Call 918-8366767 1” sucker rods $2.75’ (2,075’) 1” fiberglass rods $2.75’ (2,490’) 10 sinker bars $75 each. 7/8” rods $1.85’ (3,650’) 3/4” rods $1.65’ (7,450’) 5/8 rods $1.40’ (1,850’) 25,000 oilwell brand pump jack mint condition $2,600 casing, tubing and rod elevators, links misc tools and equipment. Ray 918-381-0288 0r 918230-3111 49 Acre Real Estate development opportunity in the Animas Valley north of Durango, Colorado. Already Zoned for RV Resort/Storage. Pat Palmer 970946-5920 Several excellent Oil and Gas prospects. can turnkey. 580 313 0448 anytime. Oil Field Equipment For Sale 2-C66’s, DRILLING & WORKOVER RIG continued ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT HOT OIL UNITS MISC.